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Model: MMP Books 27025
Kod producenta: 27025
Waga produktu: 0.6 kg
Realizacja zamówienia: 24 godzin
Sprzedanych produktów: 0
Koszt wysyłki od: brak. EUR
Producent: MMP Books

NAA P-51 Mustang The Cadillac of the Skies

  • Ilustrator: Tomasz Kaca
  • Liczba stron: 48
  • Liczba stron kolorowych: 48
  • Format: HB, A4
  • Data wydania: 2022-09-19
  • ISBN: 9788367227025
  • Numer katalogowy: Spot. 26
  • This book is the latest in a reference series for aircraft modellers called "Spotlight On" and is a showcase for the superb aviation artwork created for the publisher by the remarkable Polish aviation artist Tomasz Kaca.

    The book contains 23 colour plates showing 23 famous P-51 Mustang fighter depicted in the air. Aircraft of the famous fighter aces are shown based on the latest research.
