ToRo Model 35D57 PTO Sherman tanks vol.2 1/35
* s DPH
ToRo Model 35D03 Polish Shermans in Italy - 2nd Polish Corps, 1945 1/35
A - 'Zwyciezca' Sherman III, 3rd Squadron, Krechowiecki Lancers Regiment
Loreto, Italy 1945
B - 'Nuseirat' Sherman III, HQ Platoon, HQ 2nd Armoured Brigade
Loreto, Italy 1945
C - 'Piedimonte-2-1' Sherman III, 2nd Squadron, 6th 'Children of Lwow' Armoured Regiment
Loreto, Italy 1945
D - 'Cassino' Sherman I, HQ Squadron, Carpathian Lancers Regiment
Loreto, Italy 1945
E - 'Wola' Sherman IC 'Firefly', 1st Squadron, 6th 'Children of Lwow' Armoured Regiment
Loreto, Italy 1945
F - 'Mass Albaneta III' Sherman III, 2nd Squadron, 4th 'Skorpion' Armoured Regiment
Loreto, Italy 1945
G - 'Qassasin' Sherman III, HQ Platoon, HQ 2nd Armoured Brigade