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Artikelnummer: Kagero 3031
Herstellercode: 3031
Gewicht: 0.55 Kg
Lieferzeit: 24 Stunden
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Hersteller: KAGERO

Kagero 3031 Messerschmit Bf 109 F ( no decals ) EN

3031 Messerschmitt Bf 109 F vol. I - Marek J. Murawski - ISBN 978-83-60445-22-8

The first part of a monograph on the German fighter Messerschmitt Bf 109 F. It presents the technical development, the course of prototype testing and series production. All sub-variants of the aircraft are discussed, describing the changes carried out in them. A further part of this publication describes the combat operations of Jagdgeschwader 2 and 26 equipped with these machines, maintaining the air front over the English Channel, southeastern England and France in the second half of 1941. The Bf 109 Fs served in these units as fighters and bombing fighters.
Text in Polish, 100 pages, 102 photographs, 24 sheets of original technical documentation, 9 pages of color plates with 18 painting examples.

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