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Artikelnummer: Hataka HTK-BS27
Herstellercode: HTK-BS27
Gewicht: 0.25 Kg
Lieferzeit: 48 Stunden
Verkaufte Produkte: 0
Versandkosten: keine. EUR
Hersteller: Hataka Hobby

Hataka Hobby HTK-BS27 Falklands Conflict Vol. 1 Paint Set 8x17ml

Zestaw farb akrylowych. Zawiera 8x17ml.

Standard colours of Argentinean AF planes during the Falklands (Malvinas) conflict

The Argentine Air Force (Fuerza Aérea Argentina) took active part in Falklands (Malvinas) Conflict in 1982 using majority of then possessed types of planes. Part of the aircraft (incl. Mirage IIIEAs and IAI Daggers) wore standard camouflage colours (similar to US SEA scheme).

At the same time pre-war colours of intensively used IA-58A Pucara ground attack planes of overall semi-matt aluminium were quickly regarded as inappropriate, which led to camouflaging the deployed aircraft in field condition with locally available paints (hence wide variety of schemes and colour tones used).

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