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Artikelnummer: Tamiya 89913
Herstellercode: 89913
Gewicht: 0.15 Kg
Lieferzeit: 24 Stunden
Verkaufte Produkte: 0
EAN: 4950344899135
Versandkosten: keine. EUR
Hersteller: Tamiya

Tamiya 89913 Submarine Motor (Clear Blue) Educational Construction Series Limited Edition Item

Cool Clear Blue. The motor features a clear blue body to enable viewing of its internal mechanisms and it can be used as a means of propulsion for waterborne models such as boats and floats. Simply rotate the body to switch it on and off, and adjust the angle of the rudder to make your model run around in circles. Type 130 motor included. One R6/AA/UM3 alkaline battery separately required.

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