Získávám data ...
Model: AMMO of Mig Jimenez 1600
Producentský kód: 1600
Hmotnost výrobku: 0.05 kg
Termín dodání: 24 hodin 
Prodané výrobky: 0

AMMO of Mig Jimenez 1600 PLW LIGHT GREY 35ml

for white or very light gray colors

Light gray panel wash: perfect for aircraft painted in white or very light gray colors, such as Vietnam era aircraft or those in winter camouflage. It is also useful for ships, Science Fiction subjects, and any vehicle in light gray or winter color. Our Panel Line Wash range is specially designed to create soft washed panel lines in aircraft, and is also perfect for other vehicles where we want to obtain subtle effects such as science fiction subjects, ships and trains.

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