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Informacje o producencie
Informacje o producencieInformacje dotyczące produktu obejmują adres i powiązane dane producenta produktu.TrumpeterZhongShanNanLong Industrial Park,SanXiang,Chiny
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UE
Osoba odpowiedzialna w UEPodmiot gospodarczy z siedzibą w UE zapewniający zgodność produktu z wymaganymi przepisami.INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS GROUPBENEDYKTA HERTZA 2Warszawa,04 - 603Polska
Trumpeter 05103 Mil Mi-24V Hind-E Helicopter
skala 1:35
Plastikowy model do sklejania. Nie zawiera kleju ani farb.
Mi-24V / Mi-35 "Hind E" Mi-24V (Hind-E) is another improved version, a development of Mi-24D. The major change consists in the upgraded and more efficient SHTURM - V missile system with 9M114 (AT-6 Spiral) radio-guided anti-tank missiles launched from two pairs of cylindrical pods mounted on wingtips. Also added were B-8V rocket pods for 20 80 mm S-8 rockets, UPK-23-250 pods with two-barrel Gsh-23L and 250 rounds, GUV9A universal pods which can carry a 30 mm 9-A-800 automatic grenade launcher, or one 12.7 mm 9-A-624 four-barrel machine gun and two four-barrel 7.62 mm 9-A-622 machine guns. It was equipped with TV3-117V engines with improved height characteristics and optional exhaust mixer boxes to cool exhaust gasses, and auxiliary fuel tanks with a capacity of 450 litres. Since the War in Afghanistan, Mi-24Vs received radar homing and warning system (RHAWS), infra-red countermeasures (IRCM) and an active IRCM jammer. These equipments were also fitted to some late Mi-24Ds, which have sometimes been refered to as Hind Ds Mod. The degraded version exported outside the Warsaw Pact was called Mi-35. |
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