Italeri 6460 PAK 97/38 AT Gun with servants (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 12,83 EUR* * incl. VAT
-5% Zvezda 3610 German anti-tank gunPAK-36 (3,7cm) with crew (1:35) Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 2 14,85 EUR* Savings 0.74 EUR 14,11 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6260 88mm Flak 36 (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 59,06 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6528 8.8cm Raketenwerfer 43 Puppchen w/Fallschirmjager (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 25,49 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6499 105 MM Howitzer M2A1 (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 25,16 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6445 7.5cm PaK 97/38 w/Crew (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 19,69 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6433 7.5cm PaK 40 w/Heer Gun Crew (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 20,45 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6287 88mm Flak 37 (3 in 1) (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 57,40 EUR* * incl. VAT
Trumpeter 02317 German 128mm Pak44(KRUPP) (1:35) Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 1 33,30 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6547 2cm Flakvierling 38 w.Crew (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 23,67 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6353 3cm Flak 38/103 Jaboschreck w/Trailer (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 20,70 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6261 15cm Infantry Gun w. Crew (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 30,53 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6250 7,5cm Pak40 Late Type w/FJ (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 5 34,34 EUR* * incl. VAT
-8% Dragon 6152 3.7cm Pak 36 w/Crew (1:35) Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 1 24,17 EUR* Savings 1.94 EUR 22,23 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6392 German sFH 18 Howitzer w/Limber (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 48,37 EUR* * incl. VAT
-8% Dragon 6411 German s. 10 cm Kanone 18 (1:35) Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 0 50,28 EUR* Savings 4.02 EUR 46,26 EUR* * incl. VAT
-8% Dragon 6523 88mm Flak37 mit Behelfslafette (1:35) Product Available! 1 Qty Products sold: 1 58,22 EUR* Savings 4.66 EUR 53,56 EUR* * incl. VAT
Dragon 6522 PaK 43/3 L/71 (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 33,41 EUR* * incl. VAT
Tamiya 35283 German 88mm Gun Flak36 "North African Campaign" (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 35,74 EUR* * incl. VAT
Tamiya 35259 Krupp Protze 1 Ton (6x4) Kfz.69 Towing Truck w/3.7cm Pak (1:35) Product Available! 23 Qty Products sold: 5 24,58 EUR* * incl. VAT
Tamiya 35091 20mm Flakvierling 38 MITSd.Ah.52 (1:35) Product Available! 86 Qty Products sold: 12 5,29 EUR* * incl. VAT
Tamiya 35047 German 75mm Anti-Tank Gun (1:35) Product Available! 38 Qty Products sold: 12 4,92 EUR* * incl. VAT
Tamiya 35046 British 25 pound Field Gun (1:35) No product in stock. Notify me when in stock. Products sold: 0 10,59 EUR* * incl. VAT